Friday, September 18, 2009
Sept. Meeting recap
In attendance for our Sept meeting were:
and we had two visitors:
Kristen sent me an email and decided to join as a member today! We welcome her to the group! She makes antique brass necklaces that are embellished with designs that are copies of her original paintings. She brought several to share with the group. She does very nice work!
Our show and tell went on for a while this meeting. Many of us brought things we are working on and things we have completed to show the group. It was great to see such creativity and inspiration coming out of our group.
We discussed several shows that are coming up between now and Christmas. Many EVA members will be vending at these events. We will post all of them here and let you know who will be showing at the events. The first one will be in Downtown Mesa for 2nd Fridays near 41 W. Main Street. The theme for this 2nd Friday is Oktoberfest. It is October 9 from 6pm - 10pm. The next event is our very own Craft-oberfest on October 24th. The details for Craft-oberfest are all in the previous post.
We didn't have the opportunity to do a tutorial this meeting. Melanie, who was going to share some blogging tips, took a job volunteering on Wednesday nights. We will miss her, but her services are understandably needed elsewhere.
Oktoberfest, Craft-toberfest, and our theme for October is simply Autumn.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Craft-oberfest October 24th!

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Artist of the Month: Len Springer

1. Who in your life has influenced you most creatively, and why?
My cousin Myisha of Since childhood we've been drawn to all things creative and chic and we are always inspired by one another. We still have all night craft sessions whenever we get together.
2. Do you have fond memories of something you made in art class in school? Describe what you did.
It actually wasn't art class. A childhood friend Carolyn and I decided one Summer to sit on her grandma's porch and make a two story house out of left over popsicle sticks. We collected, cleaned and dried them from all the kids in the neighborhood. I guess you could say we were up-cycling before it became mod. We spent all Summer on that house and it was great. Until her grandparents sheep dog sat on it and broke it.
We still agonize and laugh about that Summer.
3. Describe your ideal creative day ...
Very simple. Of late, to have a whole day, any day to just be creative and have my home studio in utmost order. A nice glass of wine or herbal ice tea and a nice big bowl of strawberries and some sort of cheese would be divine.
4. Name your three favorite:
I must add this is a difficult part of the interview because I try to remain open to most things in life so it's hard to narrow it all down. Here it goes...
Books -
Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson, M.D., The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, Women Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros
Movies -
Gladiator, The Godfather, Elizabeth, The Golden Age (oh, please let me mention The Sound of Music & Breakfast at Tiffany's)
Bands -
Aerosmith (Rock Star Legends), The Roots (only rap group that sings and plays real instruments), Miles Davis (was one of the most influential Jazz musician creating and scoring music across the board) Yes all amazing live
Websites -
5. What is your favorite holiday and why?
Thanksgiving! We (my sis & I) cooked for 40-60 family members, friends and all those in between. We start the day by serving others at a local Womens Organization, have games and movies for everyone. I'd make invitations (of course) have a full menu including appetizers, two signature drinks and our traditional Gumbo. Anyone that did not have a place to be would always be welcome. A wonderful time to reflect and be grateful for the little things.
6. What is your day job?
During the day I change lives. My specific title is Admissions Coordinator for The Skin & Makeup Institute of Arizona. I have the wonderful opportunity to guide students into a career path within the skincare & beauty industry. It's wonderful to be at the starting phase of someone choosing a path that isn't the standard one like being an accountant. Careers in Aesthetics (skincare), Professional Makeup Artistry, Permanent Makeup and Medical/Laser certification with the training we take pride in offering our students gives them wings . I also play an integral part in all of our marketing/advertising/event planning. For example, we just had a charitable event for the Women's Fresh Start foundation where we hosted 120+ clients providing a full spa & boutique day. Last year we hosted the Arizona try-outs for America's Next Top Model casting. Two Arizonans (Talia & FO) both made it onto the show.
7. Tell us about new creative projects or classes that you would like to pursue ...
Working with handmade Japanese paper. Hair Accessories. Rings. I'm using simple bases some with a patina and vintage filigree look with stones I get from a turquoise expert here in the valley. I'm slowly venturing into making jewelry. I love Czech beads. I want two types of lines. One that is simple and to the point somewhat of a vintage-inspired line; the other involving glass & paper. I'd like to take a class on working with glass as well as learning different mediums to use my love of all things paper.
Also working on a new & improved website
8. If you were a movie actor or actress, who would it be and why?
Ahh.... Today I would be Cate Blanchett because she always has such a presence that commands attention in a non-pretentious way and there is a classic vibe she brings that is so needed again; like that of Audrey Hepburn.
List your websites or anywhere else on-line that your art is featured:

Sunday, August 30, 2009
August Meeting recap
August was full of new concepts for EVA. We had our first tutorial ... THANK YOU Trish for presenting an excellent tutorial on wire wrapping!! She is quite the skilled teacher.
The MAC Holiday Art & Music Festival
Len came with info to share about a couple other upcoming event ... more to follow on those.
Nancy has been exhibiting with East Valley Arts Guild at the 3rd Friday Artwalk at Mesa Riverview.
Trish (who has recently been busily updating her shop) brought up the possibility of having a craft show at her work.
The theme for our September meeting is inclement weather. Something we are not having enough of ... or maybe too much of if you consider never ending blazing heat as inclement weather, as I do. Looking forward to Fall! And also in September Melanie will present us with a tutorial on blogging.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
July Meeting Recap
Topics we discussed were the MAC Holiday arts and music festival. The event is 2 days this year December 12 and 13th. Nancy already has reserved her booth and Melanie is currently hoping to find someone in the group to share one with. You can contact me or convo Melanie if you are interested.
We also talked about pricing items, tax licenses for booths, and the chat groups and forums available on etsy. Next meeting we are hoping for a volunteer to lead us through a short tutorial on a project or how to. Let me know if you are interested.
We decided on a theme for our August exchange. Nikki came up with Hawaii as the theme for next month. I am excited to work on this one!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Artist of The Month - Kandes Naylor

I am finally submitting my artist of the month answers.
1. Who in your life has influenced you most and why? I can only pick 1 person!?! Then I would have to say my husband, Jeff. He encourages me to keep being creative and has helped me to set up a studio in our house.
2. If there were any craft you could master other than the ones you already work with, what would it be? EZ answer ... Metalsmithing.
3. Describe your ideal studio space... My home studio space is great. I love it. It has plenty of space to store all my crafty things and enough surface area to be in the middle of several projects at once. I just wish it magically cleaned itself!
4. Name your three favorite:
Books - Green Psychology, Stop Walking on Eggshells, A Penny for Candy
Movies - Dummy, Lars and the Real Girl, Marie Antoinette
Bands - Auto Man Empire, Bonnie Prince Billy, Alela Diane
Websites -, of course,
5. What is your favorite season and why? I love the fall. Everything Halloween makes me giddy!
6. What is your 9-5 job? I work at M-Troniks (electronics repair for music equipment) with my husband and we also own Naylor Entertainment, a live music booking agency.
7. Tell us about the best gift you've ever gotten from someone. I think right now I am loving the gift of freedom my husband has given me. My prior day job was sucking the life outta me. Now I come and go as I wish. It is super nice.
8. If you were a character on a TV sit-com, who would it be and why? Punky Brewster. She was a fun little kid. I secretly desire the ability to wear non-matching clothes and still look cute.
Kandes's spots:

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Artist of the Month: Nancy Reasoner

What do you think inspires your creativity?
Nature and color. I love the textures of leaves and natural items. Throw in a few sparkling gems or crystals and it becomes exciting!
Who inspires your creativity and how?
My daughter is very creative, and is constantly giving me feedback and new ideas.
My husband, Tim also has helped... he is the behind one of my favorite pieces - "Pool Trash". We were swimming one day, when he found a perfect leaf floating on the pool. He handed it to me and said "Here is a piece of pool trash - turn it into something beautiful". I wear it more than any other piece because of the sentiment behind it. Tim is totally supportive. Without him, I would be just wishing I could create... instead of actually doing it.
I am a Systems Analyst/ Program Manager. I gather requests for application changes, define the requirements, and lead the team of program developers to design and develop those changes. A totally different part of my brain is used in my regular job - but it is also fulfilling.
I also like to garden - especially growing Roses.
What are your top three favorite:
-The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is my all time favorite.
-Shanna by Kathleen Woodiwiss would be my favorite romance.
-I just finished the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer - it was a nice escape.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Wake up ... Spring is coming
We set the theme for next months meeting. It will be ... MASQUERADE. I am excited!! There is so much that can be done. I am not even sure which way I will go with that. The meeting will be March 18 at 7pm in our usual spot. I hope to see all EVA members there with their bright and cheery MASQUERADE themed exchange items.