The East Valley Artisans is a group of artisans who all live in the East Valley of the Phoenix metropolitan area. Our goal is to support local artists, encourage the handmade movement, and develop a closer-knit community of talented people living in this particular region of the Valley of the Sun.
I better get the recap of the August meeting up before August is over! Our EVA group is growing and it is very exciting. We had 10 people at this last meeting! There are 7 of us that have been getting together for the past year and I think our August meeting was the first time we have actually all be in the same room at the same time. Aside from Renee, who was new at the July meeting, we had two even newer visitors to our little meeting. There was Melissa of The Silver Nest. Among other great things, she makes the cutest little wire wrapped nests that are made into pendants and earrings. Melissa decided to join EVA, and we are very happy to have her! Anita Farrah also came to the meeting. Anita makes some really cool glass beads. I recently went by her etsy shop and was quite impressed with her witches hat bead. I love that everyone is gearing up for Halloween!!! Please see East Valley Artisans to view the shops of all of our members.
August was full of new concepts for EVA. We had our first tutorial ... THANK YOU Trish for presenting an excellent tutorial on wire wrapping!! She is quite the skilled teacher.
Tools for wire wrapping
Len watching Trish as she goes through the steps
Trish mid-wrap
Topics discussed at this meeting were: MACfest The MAC Holiday Art & Music Festival Len came with info to share about a couple other upcoming event ... more to follow on those. Nancy has been exhibiting with East Valley Arts Guild at the 3rd Friday Artwalk at Mesa Riverview. Trish (who has recently been busily updating her shop) brought up the possibility of having a craft show at her work.
Upcoming: The theme for our September meeting is inclement weather. Something we are not having enough of ... or maybe too much of if you consider never ending blazing heat as inclement weather, as I do. Looking forward to Fall! And also in September Melanie will present us with a tutorial on blogging.