Sunday, August 22, 2010

Announcing the Treasury Challenge Winners!!!!

Congratulations to our winners of the first ever EVA treasury challenge! We appreciate the effort of everyone that participated in our first challenge. All of the treasuries were wonderful, making it very difficult to select only three winners. But the decisions were made after a couple tie breakers and we ended up with three very beautiful treasuries to represent our winners! MudHandChan and ChealseaSea have both won gift certificates redeemable at participating EVA team members shops.

Our First place winner is:
ChelseaSea with her Cool East Meets Hot West treasury

In Second place is:
MudHandChan with her Treasury Contest treasury

And in Third place is:
ChelseaSea AGAIN with her Arizona's East Valley Artisans Treasury

Thanks for curating such wonderful collections. I hope everyone enjoyed the challenge and will participate in upcoming treasury challenges!

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